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AVForums Super Veteran
Mar 15, 2006
Reaction score
Anybody tried or keen to have a look? Please share your expieriences. Some nice features....


piCorePlayer is a dedicated Squeezebox player (like a Duet receiver) for your Raspberry pi board. It is build on a small read-only linux (Microcore) and Triodes excellent Squeezelite player.

It is very small about 25 MB in total including the OS (microcore linux). It boots very fast, already 10-15 sec after you power on, then your piCorePlayer will be found in the Logitech Media Server control panel. After booting everything is running from RAM so there is no writing to the SD-card and therefore no risk of corruption of your card - just pull the power if you need to. It is possible to synchronize  the piCorePlayer to other Squeezebox devices.

Included in piCorePlayer:
1. Microcore linux
2. Squeezelite player
3. Setup script
4. SSH access (using Dropbear) - so you can connect via LAN from another computer (via Putty).
5. Option to use a WiFi dongle
6. Option to use a USB-DAC with up to 24 bit 192 khz
7. Option to use HDMI audio out up to 24 bit 192 khz (out of the box)
8. Option to use the 3.5" audio jack (out of the box)

You will need:
1. A raspberry pi board and a SD-card (can be very small as the entire piCorePlayer is only 26 MB). So the cost for a working system will minimal about 35$ for the raspberry pi board and a then you will need a SD-card which can be found from 5 $. Even the smallest will be fine. If you want better audio experience you will also need a USB-DAC (but actually I think the audio from the 3.5" analog audio out is better than reported).

2. A running Logitech Media Server which you can connect to.

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