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    • G
      A new MK7 or SL-100/1500C can be had for around 25K, as the 100C with basic cartridge is brought direct it will be cheaper and have...
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Full sound at low volume.
      Mind you if distortion levels are low it is very easy to listen louder than average without realizing it. Quiet background noise levels...
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Glass Audio.
      seems very new and not familiar with them. Whois (domain name) shows creation date in 2020 and registry expiration in a few days. Try...
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Aune Audio Incoming.
      Please share projected pricing, privately can also work.
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Boomy bass.
      For coupling I mostly use 10mm fine cork mats cut to stand top plate size. Compare results when flipping speaker upside down. Applying a...
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Boomy bass.
      On stands? Which stands? How are they coupled? try flipping speaker upside down.
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Please Help with some Advice.
      What amp? Check if wall socket is grounded correctly and if connected to earth leakage? Is at least one component in chain earthed...
    • G
      gavinbirss replied to the thread Sennheiser HD820s.
      At 300ohm's you will need plenty of voltage swing and perhaps a balanced amp rather than singled-ended especially if planning solid-state.
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