old hifi


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
I'm trying to put together a list of what was cool in the 80's...

So far my list contains:

Sony Betamax (We bought this in the uk in 1981 and brought it back here) i have pic
Pioneer KEH-4455 (Also known as the Pioneer Rondo 3000) i have pic
Amstrad TS-35 - We owned this from 1981 from the UK. I have old brochure and pic
Blaupunkt music system (advertised on gumtree etc) i have pic i knew a few people who owned this!
Akai music system - my cousin had one - awesome - searching still
Kenwood music system - don't know model number or product range - searching still - This fell part of a specific range - i just cannot remember the name...

I'm stumped at the AKAI and Kenwood - don't know who to contact - internet doesn't give me results - I will remember it when and if i see it.
Both the AKAI and the Kenwood used to be on sale at OK Bazaars and Checkers Hyper for R3500.  Can one contact kenwood for catalogues of stuff made back then - it was around 1990-1995...I bought my Onkyo in 1996 but could not get my hands on the kenwood...

It would be nice to complete this list but if not oh well than so be it :)

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