New Speakers - DIY or not


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AVForums Member
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Nov 29, 2011
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New York

I hungry to replace an existing pair of ML Aerius i's that I've had for a long time, I think the panels are in need of replacement now. I've listened to a pair of Electromotions and a briefly to a pair of B&W CM9's and I'm curious as to what DIY speaker combo would be in the ballpark as 'equivalents' at a lower cost.

One thing that I enjoyed with elecctrostats was the vast soundstage and sheer speed they had, and they were particularly good at jazz / instrumental / vocal, but the Aerius i's I had were terrible at any music that demanded some bass extension. The Electromotions were clearly better at bass extension, i was seriously considering them at the time until I heard Summit X's...

So what would you recommend as replacement in the form of DIY. Listen to mostly 2ch music, jazz, vocal, instrumental... some rock and pop. Room is currently smallish, 5m x 4.5m. Budget... perhaps 15-25k over a period of time. Have a decent 200W amp to drive them. Would be great if they could sound like my HD800 / Beta22 rig... (equalized with a bit more bass)
I've got some cabinet building experience already, have the tools.. sash clamps, router, air compressor with HVLP spray gun, I had built a Rythmik Audio F12 sub to complement the Aerius i's.


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