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    • PsyCLown
      PsyCLown replied to the thread AV Equipment & Insurance.
      I know I had some electrical surge cover added to my policy, I must double check the amount. I must also double check the ratings on my...
    • PsyCLown
      PsyCLown reacted to PearlJam's post in the thread AV Equipment & Insurance with Like Like.
      You just need to ensure the sum insured you have caters for everything in your house at replacement value. As mentioned, it quickly...
    • PsyCLown
      PsyCLown replied to the thread AV Equipment & Insurance.
      So did you guys just ensure that the total cover is enough for the replacement value of all equipment or did you get an actual valuation...
    • PsyCLown
      Soo, I am sure majority of people on this forum have their AV equipment covered under their household content insurance. However the...
    • PsyCLown
      PsyCLown replied to the thread Dont fall for this scam!.
      Yasis. This thread is TL;DR I do not care who imported my items, as long as they work and I can get a good deal on them. Business can...
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