DLNA server for Sony Bravia?


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AVForums Veteran
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
I feel a little bit cheated. Sure, I am quite happy with the Sony Bravia TV I bought on the weekend, but today, after hooking the unit up to the home network via ethernet cable, I thought it would be able to read my network drives for all playable media. Ha. Fat chance.

It seems you have to install what is called a DLNA server onto your computer (mine's a Mac Mini) and only then will the TV be able to search for media. So, I spent a few hours this afternoon trying to make this work. I have installed Serviio, PS3 Media Server and one or two others, but am not having much luck.

Serviio works, but it doesn't seem to be following my instructions when looking for media on the system. I have added two specific folders for it to browse using the console, but it only sees one when I enter the TV media menu. It will play most of those files, but every now and then I just get a blank screen (although I can hear the soundtrack).

I installed PS3 Media Server and it picks up all the media on the system, but when I want to play something I just get the blank screen.

I also discovered that Vuze has a built in DLNA server and the Bravia picks it up, but I have to transcode everything in my library before it will play on the TV. Not ideal.

Does anybody here have any suggestions on what DLNA software I should use for best results? Preferably not something that costs a bundle or meters how much streaming I do (yeah, there was one I tried that gives you 10GB for free but then you have to pay them per GB afterwards).