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    • Cowboy
      Cowboy replied to the thread Estate agent commission?.
      There are good and bad people in every profession, estate agents included. The role of the agent isn't merely to find buyers, but to...
    • Cowboy
      Cowboy replied to the thread Estate agent commission?.
      From 2018 - 2019 I did a lot of work for Lead Home. They had a disrupter model where they had a flat fee for selling your home...
    • Cowboy
      Cowboy reacted to jatho's post in the thread Estate agent commission? with Like Like.
      This should be the norm IMO, I mean if the seller is taking a hit at a much larger value the agent should also be really feeling it and...
    • Cowboy
      Cowboy replied to the thread Estate agent commission?.
      Interesting conversation. I have skin in the game, but on the media production side, plus I used to be a mortgage analyst for a bank...
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