Day 29


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AVForums Grandmaster
Dec 28, 2014
Reaction score
Day #29

See, told you we wouldn?t be free on 1 May!  :ROFLMAO:

Resident 3 is p!ssed off ? 1 May is his birthday & he was planning a party with some mates & the currently absent Resident 5 for Saturday 2 May. Alas, it shall not be happening.

Sent out the mailer that we put together yesterday & have had an excellent response already. Will ask admins if we can share here too, as I?m sure they will be of benefit to the community.

Got the inspiration to finish the valve clearances & replace plugs on the Jazz today. Why do I love Honda engineers so much? Because after 104k km?s since the last time I checked them the valve clearances are still in spec! As they were at 105k km?s when I checked them last. Unbelievable that a vehicle can do 209k km?s & the valve clearances remain in spec. Why do I hate Honda engineers so much? Because it?s an arduous & painful job to check valve clearances that entails dismantling half the front end of the car!  :walled:

Resident 3 decided to use toothpaste to try buff his plastic headlight lense cover thingies. Worked well, so I set him to work on the Jazz headlights. It worked, but not as well. He will be put to work a second time tomorrow on the same job.

Sent Resident 3 to the garden refuse tip site in his bakkie ? the amount of garden refuse we?ve accumulated is insane. Tip was open for business as usual. Bizarre. I thought we were winging it & it would be closed. No sirree, up and running like normal.

:angrywife: & I have been hobbling around the house today. I think my toe will heal before her knee does. At least I?m safe from being kicked up the butt to get stuff done for a while!
I think the lawn & paving heaved a sigh of relief with  :angrywife: not doing laps today! Mostly a chilled day today, she baked a braided loaf for us to have with soup, came out perfectly ? compared to my abomination yesterday hers was master baker standard!

Residents 2 & 4 manufactured their own recipe of body scrub today. Which means both showers will be suicide alleys after they?ve showered tonight. I shall tread cautiously, in case it is all a method of plotting my demise (just taken an option to increase life cover without the need for a medical, thanks Liberty  ;D ).

Have done the necessary planning to run errands tomorrow, first stop Makro & then onward from there. One essential for our household will be more flour, we?ve blown through 10kg?s in the last two weeks. Probably explains why we are all looking so rotund?