Active speaker with Bluetooth


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jan 7, 2013
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I've been thinking of doing this as we often use it when on holiday or at the braai etc.  What I had to buy was the drivers, amp and control panel.  All other materials and spraypaint, bamboo fineer included, were left over from previous projects. 

1.  Drivers are Tannoys as were used in the Tannoy DVS4's

2.  Amp is the Dayton Audio KAB-250v3 2x50W Class D Audio Amplifier Board with Bluetooth 4.0

3.  Control panel is the Dayton Audio KAB-PMV3 Panel Mount for KAB-v3 Boards with Function, LED, and Install Kit (both from Parts Express)

I wanted Bluetooth connectivity and a unit that is fairly portable sizewise, but batteries are not important.  I'll rather make a separate rechargeable battery pack if needed (and so cut down a bit on weight).  Also wanted to keep the original volume of the plastic Tannoy cabs, about 4,5l I guessed.  Finally I really like the look of the Tivoli units....

I like to work outside, the dogs enjoy it as well, but once I I start spraying I go inside where I have an old cupboard set up.... The unit measures W500XD200XH162mm.  Without the top and bottom MDF panels the other piece is 130mm heigh to accommodate the control panel.

The amp and control panel comes with easy instructions to assemble and no soldering is needed.  The standoffs were included.

Control panel fitted.

Finally playing

I want to make the front panel a lighter colour so there is more contrast between that and the grills and then I'll finally assemble.  Quite happy with the sound :groovy:
