Some thoughts....


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Jan 24, 2007
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Number 1 niggle
Most AV enthusiast are trying to have their sound and audio in their homes to be as good as a cinema... if not better.
The last time I was at a cinema, I didn't want to look like a complete git by standing on the seat to try to see what was the name of the speakers on the walls.
SO what are we up against. What kit does a DTS movie theatre have and how much does it cost.

NUmber 2 niggle - similar concept
Audiophiles are trying to replicate the realism of the music, and have the experience of being in the recording studio or having someone performing in your living room.  If Mark Knopfler or Bryan Adams wanted you to feel the full effect of their art/music, what would they recommend to properly replicate their art. Ok so it's an unfair question . A more pertinent question would perhaps be, what kit do the artists listen to their music on.

Number 3 niggle
Moving from just an upgrade on speakers I realise how much music I have been missing. I am wondering how much more I may still be missing and how do you know when you have all of the music.


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