Relationship between our personalities and the way we engage with audio


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AVForums Super Veteran
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Oct 8, 2013
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Cape Town
So, as a psychologist, this topic is, of course, close to my heart. It is probably a very complex discussion with many levels, potentially very controversial. I therefore on the outset ask for deliberation rather than a debate. (the latter to my mind is a win-lose arrangement where there is ultimately a winner and a loser. Power and upmanship are at play, whereas the former is more about developing insights and a deeper understanding of complex issues. It requires an ability to deal with ambiguity and suspend one's own assumptions at least to a degree).

I also would prefer us not to dissect in an academic manner some of the concepts, such as the mere definition of what personality, constitute. Personality is a highly conventional concept and the academic discourse around it is almost as heated as our cable debates. Questions such as whether it is an abstraction based on observable behaviours or whether it actually the stable behaviour of a period of time and different situations are but a few issues that the "science" of psychology wrestle with. Furthermore there a myriad of models that were developed over the past 100 years in an attempt to understand human behaviour better. Some quite simplistic, and others very sophisticated. Compare Freud's intricate take on the different conscious levels, ego states etc with more basic models as proposed by the self-help movement. 

No, my interest is much more basic, can you see and are you aware some of the needs that your involvement in audio might satisfy that what lurks behind the obvious answer namely that you appreciate music, or so to speak below the waterline.

So I have a friend, no names ;), that said to me often, his life is so F...boring that he needs a big ballsy system with big bass and high volume capable to make him feel alive. When looking at his life it was highly organised and predictable and he was clear and honest about he wants out of his system despite the obvious that he enjoys music. He said he wants a Sophi Lauren, voluptuous and busty, and he had now wish for something more elegant.. In some other instances, I deal with neurotic customers who have high levels of anxiety and like with a typical neurotic cycle the anxiety I temporarily reduced by the acquisition on a new piece gear. Like a compulsion of checking if a door is locked a few times over and over again, (or washing once hands over and over again), each time the free-floating anxiety is relieved after checking the door and as soon one steps away the anxiety shoots through the again, only to result in the neurotic routine to be repeated.

No no, no free therapy offered online either, only looking for honest stories and self-disclosure to amuse us all, if possible 
