Rear speaker cabling question


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AVForums Member
Aug 1, 2009
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Hi folks,

I have finally after 5 years living in this house installed my rear speakers against the wall instead of leaving them on stands where they are in the way, prone to my toddler toppliing them over, etc.  The great thing about these speakers, Celestian (not sure of the model nr) is that they have stands which one can mount against the wall. 

btw, does anybody know the model of these?


Once I installed the speakers and used their current cabling, which is still hanging about, I popped in a movie and was blown away!  Now I'm really ready for that HD PVR and watching the rugby in 5.1 surround glory in HD. :)

This is a picture I took last year.  I put an image where I installed them.  Updated pictures still coming. Don't want to put one up with the wires hanging around.


In terms of cabling them up, I am thinking of using 0.5mm ripcord since it is the most discrete cabling that I can find.  It is the same cabling that is used in my alarm system.  Unfortunately, with my living room having a double volume ceiling, no way for me to get into the ceiling, I have to route the cable around doors, corners, etc to get to my entertainment system and the last thing I want, is the unsightliness of cables all around the room.  I plan on painting the room with the aim of painting over the cable so that it is even more discrete.

Since these are rear speakers, I don't think I'm going to notice a drastic quality loss due to using ripcord.

I know this will make all audiophiles hair stand on ends, but in my case, I don't have much of a choice.  SO, what do you think?  Is this a good move or are there other suggestions that you can make.
