Hifiman Sundara or Ananda...or?? For pairing with R2R


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AVForums Member
Oct 2, 2016
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So I know this is an age old question that has plenty comparisons out there! But would love to know anyone's thoughts here or personal experiences.

I was set to upgrade my Audio Technica ATH M50 and dac recently. Ended up getting an Audio GD r2r11 now. It was suggested to me that the Sundaras would be a great upgrade, and after much research I have agreed!

The problem with research is you see the next pair down the rabbit hole. I upgrade very rarely, and am willing to take a bigger knock on budget if they're worth it. Lots of guys out there say Anandas aren't much of a difference, and others say it's quite a difference.

I imagine they would be a difference. But I play mostly rock music and apparently the Sundaras are more "energetic" for this. But I don't mind EQing a better overall headphone to something close for rock, and enjoy the benefits for classical music and cleaner genres. I also see the Anandas have very large ear cups and it's a worry that it might be uncomfortable on my jaw.

Another issue is that at R11k for Anandas, it opens up options for other higher end headphones in that price bracket that might be even more suited to my dac and music, that I just don't know about yet. Would love to hear any thoughts on this, or any suggestions for other headphones to suit? thanks!!