Help needed with HDMI outputs from PC


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AVForums Veteran
Jul 31, 2016
Reaction score
Hi guys!

So this is my problem.

I have a GTX1050 VGA Card with 3 HDMI outs, they have full audio and video out and are connected to BENQ W1700 and 2 receivers.
So I connect 1 amp Denon X6400 to the HDMI 1 and the other Yamaha RXA3040 to the HDMI 2. 
Problem I have is that WINDOWS 10 only allow ONE HDMI per time to transmit sound. Unlike the option when you set pc speakers and HDMI, you cant set it to both
HDMI output.

In the windows audio setup under playback devices it shows (HDMI1 DENON) as "default audio device" and (HDMI2 YAMAHA RXA3040) as "default communication device"
So my question to the PC boffins, how do I get audio out from both HDMI devices at the same time, how do I make both my default audio devices"?

Only option so far looks to be like a good 4k with DTSHD splitter? If so, some good recommendations please!
