DSTV Explora in a complex


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AVForums Member
AV Forums Supporter
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
JHB South
Hi Guys

I was hoping I could get some assistance

I purchased a new DSTV Explora over the weekend to replace my 2 Tuner HD PVR.
I never really had problems on my previous PVR.  Only the odd signal issue.

I plugged in the explora using the switch it came with.
When I switched it on and started the installation process at step 3 it stopped as the signal quality was not strong enough. 

The set up is as follows;
2 Satellite feeds coming into my unit.  I live in a complex.  I do not know the set up on the dish at the top nor do I know the dish size. 
I used the switch as per the manual.  i.e. 2 feeds from dish into switch.  One into the unicable of the explora.

I contacted my estate manager and he informed me that there is nothing he can do as they usually do the installation from the inside and nothing to do with the set up on top. 

Called a few installers and all were reluctant.  One said that unless I have 4 feeds coming in then it wont work. 
Others said it is something I need to discuss with my BC (which they could not help) 

I asked the estate manager if there is a DSTV installer they use that I could contact.  He says there is nobody. 

My questions to the experts.  Is there anything out there I could try that may work. 
Any amplifiers that can be purchased?  I have some knowledge but not the detail technical knowledge.  I can easily follow a step by step guide.

Is there any expert DSTV installers here that could come around and assist (services rendered will be compensated)  Or any referrals to anyone.

Or should I give up hope and return the explora

I am in the Glenvista area. 

Thanks guys