DIY Power Amplifier: PALADIN SM-150


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I have been hard at work designing an easy to build but excellent quality power amplifier circuit.  It is based on the amplifier I have been listening to for the past 2 years and includes a couple of things I have learnt since.  What that means is that the platform is reliable and proven to be stable.

What's pretty cool about this new design is that you have your choice of BJT or MOSFET output stage.  I am still deciding but it will use either 3 or 4 pairs of output transistors per channel so it will have a substantial current delivery capability.

Initial result show power delivery of 150W rms into 8 ohms and 300W rms into 4 ohm using 50v rails on the output and 55V rails on the small signal stage..

The design is 100% symmetric and slew rate will be very good.  Input stage is complementary differential, with beta enhanced Push-Pull VAS (Voltage amplification stage) biased heavily into class A.

Fully DC coupled (no capacitors in the signal path), and uses a DC servo to ensure low offset on the output.

The plan is to have some nice double sided PCBs made up professionally and then sell this thing in a number of ways:
- PCB and plans only
- PCB, parts and plans (not soldered)
- Assembled and tested

As usual, this project will be well documented so it should be a piece of cake to get it built and working.

So before I go down this path any further I would like to know whether anyone is interested?

If there is enough interest I will also do some nice bridge rectifier boards, regulated power supply boards, and even speaker protection boards.

Kind regards,