Your own slice of heaven


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Nico V

AVForums Veteran
AV Forums Supporter
Feb 26, 2013
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I have this petty thing where someone invited themselves over 2 months ago to come "listen to my system."

So this kind gentleman (1 Bar diy) pitched. And he brought along - without my knowing - another kind gentleman (3.6 Bar).

Within minutes they dilluted my system to 1.5 out of 10. Probably because they KNEW the brands don't add up to their perceived values of 1.5 and 3.6 bars. So criticism is as easy as pepperstreak pie.

What they don't care to understand is that, in 2002, after 13 years of building through upgrading, I managed reach my dream kit (as I would never be able to afford my wet dream Infinity IRS Gamma). Goosebumps. And more... goosebumps...!!!!

I reached that pinnacle on a Saturday evening. The very next Tuesday, I get the 1st of 8 robberies in 6 months - dream hifi shot to sh!t. The Rotel's no longer in production. The bloke in the UK who built my custom-designed TDL Reference set passed away due to a heart attack.

No ways I would ever get back what I lost - unless hifi is a passion in the afterlife.

So, what does one do...? Build as the insurance "allows you to."
That started in 2003 and in 2020 I THINK?????? i got there - sort of - knowing full well that it aint close to the 2002 set. But with 2 kids, a heavy bond and "sorry dude but we're a lettin ya go because of some extreme virus that requires chicken fences for mosquitos, or is that a mask for a virus?" - I keep on getting confused.

Back to my silly little hifi life: 3 weeks ago there was a miracle. No, not millions' worth - sorry rich folks.

Just a simple system that make ME happy.

I have come to understand through blood-shed personal (I was going to say, experience, but ya) burning that there ?re forumites who w?nt to see the forest burn to make themselves feel good about blowing 3.6bar and 1.6bar DIY.

I have now bitched enough.
I just have to add that, at a friction of that cost I got myself a little something that make ME happy. Just little ol' me!

But HEY!!! Th?s time I, yes, just humble little old me, reckon it's enough for me. I know as I am sitting here, I will now die a happy man. I hears 33Hz the way it was meant to be - without a meddling sub.

This is Vlokkie - a happy happy man! No yeeeeeehhhaaaa bill to throw at it. But a happy happy man.

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