Using R/$ rate when selling equipment


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AVForums Veteran
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Jan 16, 2014
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I find it interesting (and amusing sometimes) when reading for sale ads and people are quoting the price of an item in $ terms and then trying to make you believe you are buying a bargain.

Say someone is advertising a nice amp from the year 2000 AD.  This then cost an astronomical $2000. Then the person will tell you that this equates to R23 000 today, but only selling it for R10 000.
And sometimes, on top of that, quoting a replacement value for this item today.
First off, the R/$ rate averaged R7 to the $ in 2000, this means R14 000, second, you cannot compare even a 10 year old items cost and/or technology to todays cost/technology.

It is like selling someone a 2000 BMW and telling him it is a bargain, because the replacement cost of the new one is R400K

I must confess, it is not as simple as it sounds, cause we in SA always had to pay allot more than just a simple R/$ pricing, we were slapped with huge import duties, tax on top of that and then the distributor had to make his living as well.



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