So what do you call it when you biamp your speakers from the same amp?


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AVForums Veteran
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
Durbanville, CT
So I want to get more power to speakers using two sets of thin Supra cables. Bi-wiring them does not produce a very integrated sound. So I try to connect speaker cables from the Speaker A and Speaker B binding posts on my amp, and lead them to ONE set of binding posts on each of my speakers.  I leave the jumpers in place. Switch on the amp, play some music, and after 10 second my amp cuts out.

The amp stays on if I leave only Speaker A or Speaker B on. But as far as I know, I am now losing the benefit of having two lengths of speaker cable acting as one.

What am I doing wrong? Bear in mind that the amp's binding posts are too small for me to combine two speaker cables ends into one on the amp side.