Preamp shoot-out #2


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AVForums Grandmaster
May 3, 2010
Reaction score
Johannesburg, Helderkruin
Now this is a slightly smaller in monetary statue but still significant.


1) Audio Research LS5
2) Audio Research LS2
3) Audio Research LS17SE
4) Audio Research SP14
5) Hovland HP100
6) Plinius Tautoro
7) Nakamitchi CA-7
8) LFD LS2
9) Sherbourn PRE-1

Main Amp SR Reference Plinius via Meitner DAC, Audioquest Sky IC's and SACD audiophile sampler....and George Michael - Brother can you lend me a dime... Speakers: vivid 1.5's (utterly revealing) and later Duntech Souvereighns (DT)

Results and Why:

1st Classs

ARC LS17 - yes its the best and noticeably so. why ? Bass/Treble and mids so perfectly aligned... nothing exaggerated. But the airiness, It physically feels as if the soundstage gets inflated to INCLUDE you. WOW. A simple 4 notes plucked on a banjo shows the difference... All 4 plucked different force, last slightly distorted...and I could measure the amount of vibrations just listening.... Best preamp I have heard so far... I don't think my Ref 2 or the Ref 3 will be better.... will compare soon

On the DT this is amazing, from those towers flows lightest warmth... and air that filled my room....dammit its nice!
Hovland beats the Plinius by a whisker. Ill take the above description and say: The notes were still distinct, but the vibrations duller, uncountable. The soundstage less, the midrange just a tad less. Bass more but better...not sure

On the DT this showed why the DT is a Reference for Studios. Neutral...NEVER harsh...the valves shined through more!
The Plinius does AMAZING for a SS, same soundstage as Hovland, but brighter sounding. Initially sounded like more detail but its not. The 4 notes now sound the same...forget about counting. With the Halcro DM10 one of the best SS preamps I have ever heard.

A dynamic marvel on the DT speakers. This SS preamp was VERY well thought out!!

Class 2
Its a tie here... ARC LS5 or Nakamitchi CA-7
The Nakamitchi has same detail as Plinius but the air between the note seems to forget the information it is supposed to carry. So you have distinct notes, clear as a bell, but finer detail omitted ?

The LS5 almost the same, less bright and warmer bass and mid bloom (just a tad). Bloody good pre-amp!!

LFd - LS2
Bloody hell, what is this oldie doing here  :D  Lovely beast. Very little feature but there to make MUSIC. totally not SS sounding, almost Plinius on speed, LS5 like on midrange, CA-7 level on detail. Should I give it 2nd place ? Maybe only because CA-7 brings out a tad more information.

Its like an older (which it is) LS5. withing 10% of an LS5 I think... pleasant sounding...will never offend you. More than enough detail but never sharp. Unless you are used to R100k pre-amps this will NEVER disappoint. Still level or two above other medium priced brands

Sherbourn PRE-1
Now what do we have here ? If we talk features this will shoot up to 2nd place in this class. In a lot of ways almost a CA-7. Information retrieved on par with it, midrange is not fleshed out. for a SS amp. The treble is STILL very good and the bass is strong. Punchy. Its a BIG bargain! I think top models from Denon/Rotel/Yamaha will be hard pressed to match this.

Exactly like the LS2 but veiled a bit. soundstage has shrunk to the Sherbourn level. My first words. Nice, very Nice.... It wouldn't offend anyone. Its good on all levels... Good+ on treble. In a medium system (R20-50k) this will fit perfect. If you have a bright SS amp, this will fix AND enhance it. A good buy.

All these preamp I consider as an upgrade to all but the Top Rotel/Nad/Denon pre-amps (If still found).... They are good (Else I wouldnt have bought them  >:D ).

It was great to spend a Saturday evening doing this....