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Jul 15, 2005
Reaction score
Cape Town
Hi Guys

I contacted Dave and would like to post his response. I should just mention that I removed the topic he refers to as I felt it it was not serving any further purpose than showing that we could all be a bunch of hooligans at the blink of an eye(in hindsight, maybe I should not as it could be construed as "sweeping under the carpet as Dave mentions) My apologies for that if the wrong impression was created.

Dave's reply:

I would like to explain my decision and, if you so desire, you may post the
explanation on the forum (your call).

This decision was not one made in the heat of the moment, as the "tone" of
the forum had been deteriorating for quite some time, and had culminated in
what was patently a personal attack by a moderator on a forum member.

One "undertone" has been the snide comments about those forum members that
own halfway decent audio gear - referring to them as "elitist", "show-offs"
and the like.
I know of no-one here that has been born with a silver spoon stuck in
his/her mouth nor has suddenly inherited a fortune that has gone out and
bought esoterica and then crowed about it on the forum.

Specifically, Anton, Riaan and I have - through either time or funds
allocation - built audio systems over time that satisfy our need to play
music and, while we have posted pictures (we are, after all, human), I for
one am not prepared to have to apologise to members of the forum for having
assembled - over 40-odd years - the music collection and audio system I
currently use.

The other aspect that really contributed to this decision was the hyena-like
behaviour of some posters (Norval's one post about the schoolkid pinching is
an excellent illustration) who have continually sniped at anyone with
anything better than a HiFi Copulation Special and, when confronted and
asked to justify their behaviour, have ducked back into the shrubbery after
carefully editing any posts to remove any evidence.  This behaviour has been
tolerated and even encouraged and the impression it has created - be it
factual or not - is that there is a group that do not want any new blood or
new ideas to disturb their complacency.

Finally, some new arrivals have also stirred the pot by registering and,
without ado, proceeded to destructively criticise the forum and its members,
and - when taken to task for this behaviour by members (and not moderators)
- criticism and villification has been levelled at those who have stood up
for the forum/members on the basis that "the forum needs new blood".

I would also like it on record that it was not my intention to have
Timber_MG removed as a moderator - all it really needed was for someone to
whisper in his ear and stop the personal attacks.

I've just noted that the thread in which all of this occurred has been
"swept under the carpet" after being locked yesterday.  This indicates to me
that nothing has really changed - particularly with arguments that suggest
we register with ID No input.  What's next? Pass Laws?

So, thank you for your concern and interest as shown in sending this e-mail
and please understand that this is in no way a reflection on you personally,
but I have yet to see any real reason to re-think my decision to depart.

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