Behringer ECM8000 calibration


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jul 23, 2007
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For those who are considering buying an uncalibrated Behringer ECM8000 mic for measurement purposes and crossover design, well you may want to reconsider. I got my calibrated ECM8000 a couple of days ago and look how non-flat the mic's response is in the critical 2kHz and beyond region!


Uncalibrated ECMs may have been good enough before Behringer decided to change the capsule, but they certainly are not anymore! I haven't had the chance (and won't have for a while) to compare my uncalibrated ECM against the calibrated one but it I think I am in for a rude awakening. In ALL my measurements with the uncalibrated mic I have seen this steep rise in response from 3kHz upwards that is also apparent in the calibrated one's response. That is what made me doubt the measurements from the beginning and set me on this (unfruitful) quest to get the mic calibrated.

My advice to you would be to just buy a calibrated mic from the start and be done with it. If you get one from here: it doesn't cost much more than buying from Soundz and the like.

I only hope the mic response doesn't drift as time goes by...