Any way to track what's causing the (*@&ing issue?


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AVSA Andrew

AVForums Grandmaster
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
I have this data package that incorporates that at times dreaded and irritating 'midnight data' (dreaded and irritating because until the baby arrives I generally prefer to be asleep during those hours). I usually set things up so that connection is only activated between those hours to use that data for downloads.

On a fairly regular basis though I come through in the morning to discover that the desktop has 'frozen up' up some point and so nothing has downloaded. Other nights everything works like clockwork. Was just wondering if there is some sort of fault logging on Windows that I can access to see just what it is that is causing the machine to freeze up now and then so that I can possibly work around it?

The desktop worked flawlessly for months after I added the UPS, so I assumed the previous problems were caused by the power supply dropping, but it's now started up again. Also, of course after another of the big Windows updates, so I always wonder if that's an issue...