"andrea radio" repair/usage any suggestions?


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New member
Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
Cape Town
Hey guys,

Hardly ever come on here anymore, but figured this is really where I should start. So I live at home, and my mom bought this little radio at some or other second hand/charity shop for next to nothing (I think 30 rands?). She (obviously) knows I'm studying mechatronic engineering, so she told me to fix it, to which I replied I had no idea how... don't even know if it's broken or not...

Anyways, from what I can tell, it runs off 110 volts (americans...), there are 4 valves on the thing, I haven't connected it to power yet (I don't have a source and I also am not sure if I want to in in case something just breaks, this thing is old). I'll (try) post pictures of it, and the valves and their numbers (Phillips 35Z5GT, Sylvania 12SQ7 GT, 50L6GT (can't see the brand on this one), Sparton 12/SK7 GT/G). It's mono, there's one speaker attached, with a tiny little transformer looking this on it, the radio frequencies are 6-18 megacycles and 55-160 kilocycles, from what I understand, I'm not going to find much in that range down in cape town, correct me if I'm wrong?

and now I'm going to go look for how to post pictures on here...




any help would be much appreciated, even if you can just advise me to the cheapest/best place to get a transformer so I can just plug this thing in.