Which is the most frightening horror movie


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AVForums Grandmaster
Mar 2, 2011
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Horror movies, other than being gory, are supposed to scare the  :cr@p: out of us. This doesn't happen often, where younare genuinely scared and jump out of your skin.

There was this movie that really got me going, I forget the title. But you had to wear glasses to see the terrible ghosts, otherwise they were invisible. (Thirteen Ghosts perhaps). Oh man that was some scary  :cr@p:

Finding another movie with such a high scaryometer has proved futile. You can find gory easily, jigsaw is gory, but scary is hard to find, trully scary is rare.

Any wise ideas ? and please, not those movies that try to scare you through sounds and friends who for unfathomable reasons decide to creep on you while you hold a gun.