Strange behavior - Marantz AV SR5006 Receiver


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AVForums Member
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
So I got home yesterday afternoon, turned on my SR5006, picture wasfine through all HDMI inputs BUT only sound from Sub-woofer, started to panic and get frustrated, swapped HDMI cables, replaced cables, rechecked all speaker cabling and nothing.

Started to do an internet search and did a hard reset, Marantz started working 100% fine.

So it was not damaged hardware but appears to be a firmware issue, I have updated my receiver last year so I assume its on the latest version as I didn't get any new notifications.

This tells me it a possible firmware bug, however I have not encountered such an issue since I purchased this receiver over 2 years ago.

Anyone else experience this?

And it just goes to show that sometime we may think the system is blown and send it in for repairs when its a simple firmware issue or bug requiring a reset :)
