Should we be worried about sustainability of the hobby ?


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AVForums Grandmaster
Sep 14, 2012
Reaction score
Jhb Alberton
Hi all...

I have read some comments recently where there is a lot of statements saying that their hifi is better then the real thing .... be it unamplified music or live amplified or whatever....

The intention of this thread is not to argue wether those statements are true or not as there are many debates around that already and very subjective...

Why does it worry me ? And are you worried ?

Irrespective of wether or not these statements are true Or not I am sure the majority will agree that certain hifi sounds better .... even I will if I have to consider the route hifi and sound playback is taking...

But it makes me question if we are thinking at all about the sustainability of what we are doing.... once the copy exceeds the real thing I start chickening out because to me it is also the start of a self destructive path....

we see it many disciplines today and fortunately some industries are starting to realize that... and you see them asking questions like "how did we ever get here .... ? "
should hifi learn from those lessons perhaps ?

A few examples of where I see this sort of "over perfection" questioned are the papers TOYOTA wrote on automation and robotics and the experiments they did with replacing robots with humans and actually coming out a bit better off on the innovation side ... they realized that robots cannot innovate but people can and after years and years of being on the forefront of automation and production line productivity etc( their continuous improvement models) , they realized that they were perhaps not getting anything innovative on the other side of what was important , like actual welding and things their industry relied on...

Another interesting thing was in the dog breeding industry where people realized how the quest for perfection. Ended up in such a self destructive path... bulldogs could not even outrun or tackle a guinea-fowl never mind bringing in your bull... etc etc...

So , if we start becoming "better" then the real thing but not considering that it is only the real thing that can actually feed us with input , are we not in some way going to contribute to the demise of the real thing ? Making people frown upon it ? And who will create our precious music in the future if this start happening ? Hifi manufacturers ? Or is it inevitable that all music will be electronically produced and we won't need those "real artists" anymore because they cannot provide perfection like a soundstage and a hi and low that is so detailed and bright etc etc....

As a hobbyist , should preservation and in so doing sustainability not be a great part of the hobby itself ?
Or not ?
But obviously in a balanced fashion not extreme either way ...

What is your opinion .... 


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