Rotel RB985 less is more? or am I an idot for even thinking about this?


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AVForums Super Veteran
Aug 27, 2013
Reaction score
Hi guys,

I need to do a recap on my Rotel RB 985 mk1 and thought while IM in there I could so one other thing.
I have bought this for stereo use to Bi-Amp my Monitor Audio GS20 and will have an unused centre channel.

The amp has 2 x2 channel amplifier boards and 1x 1 channel amplifier board all fed from the same transformer in parallel.

Keeping in mind that this amp has now basically cost me 50% more than it is realistically worth , I'm going to keep it so I'm not too concerned about the effect it would have on resale.

From what I can see is that its as simple as de-soldering the 2 power wires from the power distribution board that go to the centre channel amp board and should be easy to rectify at a later date if I do decide I want to use the centre channel. From what I can see without dismantling , the power distribution board is simply a join in parallel for each of the 3 amplifier boards. 

Some might not agree with this , but since I'm married to this amp, might as well try optimise it as far as possible without major modification.

Does an idle centre channel generate unnecessary heat?
Will it make a positive difference to the other channels that no longer have to share power with it -  Does an idle centre channel use enough power fro the difference to be noticed on the other channels?
Is there any reason at all that I can not disconnect the centre channel from the transformer? If I did, what positive effect would this have on audio quality? Does anyone know enough about these specific amps to advise me on this?
