Buying music online, DRM, how do you feel about it?


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AVForums Super Veteran
Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Cape Town, South Africa
I was reading this article[1] earlier, and started thinking - is the music industry finally going to Get It and give us what we want in terms of buying music?

Would you guys consider buying music online (provided quality material and encoding)? What would detract you from it? I'd definitely purchase TV series and music if it were easily available in a convenient format. For example, when it comes to TV, I'd like to be able to subscribe to shows by the season, and I would want them to arrive automatically on my desktop as soon after the original airing as my connection speed allows. It would have to be in a standard format that can be played anywhere, no silly DRM restrictions or proprietary formats/software. I would also expect to get a DVD boxset or similar after the season's ended, as part of the deal. The Wired article similarly makes some really good points about selling music online.
