artists that have really influenced your life


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ron g

AVForums Grandmaster
Apr 9, 2012
Reaction score
so who are they? the artists that you have been consistently coming back to. the ones that still sound as fresh 20, 30, 40 years later, as when you first heard them...

"there's a comfort in the teaching of the old familiar songs,
  & a sorrow in repeating all the old familiar wrongs"
janis ian - light a light

for me it's kind of the standard ones, but i have no idea why so many names start with the letter "j"...
- joan baez: by no means a great musician, or songwriter. huge influence on me since i first heard "from every stage"

- joni mitchell: never got her until "shadows & light", now i love most of what she did, with a couple of exceptions which i just pretend don't exist ("chalk mark in a rain storm", "shine"). still the most insightful songwriter, or the one which most strikes a chord with me..

- janis joplin: "take another little piece of my heart". don't think i need to say more than that...

- jimi hendrix: so much more than just a flashy guitarist

- janis ian: in terms of lyrics, she can be just as brilliant as joni. just not as adventurous in terms of the music.

- emmylou harris: hooked since i first heard luxury liner

- paul simon: probably the artists who first helped me get the whole singer / songwriter concept (after he ditched the deadweight known as art garfunkel  :flame:)

- ian drury: clever, funny, incisive. some dreary pop, some blinding brilliance in his less well known songs

- annie herring: singer with 2nd chapter of acts, went solo, & now producing. passion & inspiration, with a truly remarkable voice.

- giselle hawkins: only recorded one demo ep. maybe i'm biased because i met her, and we got along quite well, but i rate her as one of my all time favourites. terrific guitarist, great voice, great songwriting & passion.

- michelle shocked: passion & honesty, with her heart on her sleeve, has done & said some really dumb things. and some brilliant, sensitive & passionate things... and she closed off her 3 night run at grahamstown with "ballad of penny evans" because i asked for it. (i still have the letter from her lawyers demanding that i cease & desist circulation of unofficial recordings of her live shows & radio appearances  >:D >:D)

so who has rocked your world?
