Status of AVFforums-SA


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AVForums Super Veteran
Nov 22, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Town. South Africa
It would seem that since the change of ownership, there appears to be next to no interest in maintaining standards and likewise, next to no moderation. Whilst we certainly do not want to return to the over-zealous, heavy-handed moderation of the past, some gentle intervention to keep things on track would be appreciated.
  1. Placing "for sale" ads: The rule states that photos of goods for sale must be included in ads however, this is routinely ignored, even by long-standing members. The crap of placing an ad and stating "photos to follow" must come to an end. Do not place the ad if you are not ready to meet all requirements. We are not fooled and know that these folk are hoping for a quick sale so that they will not have to get around to posting the photos.
  2. The rules further state that members are not to discuss the seller's price (with the exception of indicating that it is a bargain / a steal at the price etc) nor are they to make offers or negotiate in the thread. Such discussions should be handled via PM but, this is also being ignored.
  3. The one change which has been beneficial, is the ability to upload photos directly rather that going via a third-party app. In similar vein, it would be greatly appreciated if a "lock thread" button could be made accessible in our "for sale" threads. This will allow us to close a thread once the item is sold, taking the burden off the admin staff. It can be annoying to look through "for sale" ads and end up wasting time pursuing items that have already been sold.
If everyone follows a few simple rules, we may see the forum once again become a more vibrant meeting place. Not just to trade items but, to engage in conversation and share experiences and knowledge as one would expect in such a community. I may be mistaken but, I think many long-standing members are simply staying away because they are irritated by the lawlessness without consequence and would rather preserve their peace-of-mind by simply avoiding any drama rather than having to nitpick and end up in squabbles. Just my opinion.
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