ipod classic gone missing....


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AVForums Grandmaster
Nov 6, 2007
Reaction score
Our ipod classic 160gb has gone missing in our house.  I have looked everywhere, and i think its been taken....not many people have been in the house just the maid.  I showed her a picture of it on the ipad and said to her please look out for it, she says she remembers seeing it in our boys room which is where its been living, now its gone.....

R3500 gone...arg, going to have to sync my phone to our itunes library if i want to play music now...9gb of music on a 16gb phone, will be full shortly...arg so cross its missing, i just hope it turns up...wish it had find my ipod ... but it doesnt...

:headbanger: :headbanger: :headbanger: i want to cry...
In the last year i have lost a watch - R2500
glasses - R1000
now the ipod, well i didnt loose it but its another expensive item gone!