Experimental Clash: Martin Logan ElectroMotion ESL vs Monitor Audio Silver 8


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AVForums Member
Jul 17, 2019
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To form a more objective view of the acoustic signature of the various speakers I own, I've done an experimental recording of two different pairs of speakers, while the other components in the chain were kept identical. Afterwards, I mix the two recordings together, creating a single audio file, which continuously alternates between the recordings of the two speakers exactly every thirty seconds. Below is a the raw recording. Makes instant A/B testing really easy. In a day or three, I'll reveal which speaker was used in seconds 0-30, 60-90, 120-150 etc. and which one was used in seconds 30-60, 90-120, 150-180 etc. Those who have heard any of these two who is willing to take a guess which is which?

Note that no EQ'ing or any other measure which could influence the sound was involved. Simple raw recording of what they sound like in my heavily treated dedicated music room. If the the post attracts any interest, I'll add a comprehensive list of the components used.

The recording commences with some complicated classical female opera, followed by some Queen, and then to properly test the low-end, some Lorde (as much as I could stomach). Please be as critical or suggestive as you please. I have tons of equipment (speakers, amps, dacs, cables etc.) to ad to the mix.

