Decluttering My System - And No More Hoarding, Maybe?


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AVForums Super Veteran
Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
Rivonia , JHB

My folks are busy moving to a much smaller home.
Out of the four complete dinner sets they own, they can only keep one.
When my Mom explained this simple reality to me, I had a moment of clarity.

I have too much stuff. Specifically, I have too much audio stuff.
Something had to change. 
But more than just selling my precious pieces of audio history, I also craved a simpler, purer setup.

So. This is where my system was:


Black speakers stands. White hi-fi stand. TV, router, NAS drive and three game consoles on a cheap Mr. Price Home thing with my own low-tech glued-on additions. I kid you not. That platform the TV rests on is held in place with Prestik. 

As a start, I decided to keep one console (Xbox One Series X FTW, sorry PS4).

The NAS drive I could move somewhere else.

I wanted one stand for all the equipment, and I wanted the speakers stands to match. Or at least be similar.

In terms of the hi-fi components, I have now sold of most of my amplifer collection. (Mostly via the forum).
Currently using a Sonneteer amp. To be replaced in due time.
The LG Oled TV is my first new TV in 12 years so it's not going anywhere.
The Wadia 16 will also stay 'cos it's the culmination of a lifelong dream (to have a top-end Wadia).
As will the Xavian speakers 'cos they're endgame for me.

So this is what the setup looks like now:


Cutting down the number of components really helped me cut down on the clutter, and also all those cables.

I chose Solidsteel for the stands 'cos I liked especially the speaker stand design and how the hifi stand can accomodate wide components (500mm). My old white stand was stuck at 450mm.

Work in Progress Shot, was pretty simple to build:


Anyway, I'm chuffed with how it came out in the end.


P.S. I'm still sorting out the cables; it'll be neater when I'm done.