Car insurance and 3rd party liability


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AVForums Grandmaster
Feb 6, 2012
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Someone reversed into my car and sped off but fortunately someone saw it and through a short investigation I found out who it was as we were all attending the same wedding. I called the person and they tried to deny it. I found out where's he stays and drove there straight away and the story changed when she realized I won't let her out of it. I made her to write a declaration stating that she bumped my car.

Damage is about R7k. I First prize for me is to make this party pay especially because she tried to run away after the event. have insurance and my premiums are not child's play. I don't really want to use my insurance as I'm worried about premium escalations. If I use my insurance and prove to the that I was. It responsible (I was not even in the car) will this work against my risk profile?