basic trigger expander


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AVForums Grandmaster
Aug 30, 2006
Reaction score
A simple little project this time for some basic HT augmentation. This little board is powered from a 12V wall wart and responds on an opto-isolated 12VDC trigger input, in my application the trigger output of an AVP. So when the AVP is powered on the following is sequenced:

1. two buffered and current-limited 12V trigger outputs are driven for powering on surround amplifiers

2. a buffered fan driver turns on a 120mm cabinet-mounted ultra low-noise Noctua fan to cool the additional electronics stack

3. a serial interface on a 3.5mm jack turns on the television with a RS232 command, and turns it off with another command when the input trigger turns off. CEC is too finicky and since the TV has a serial port, this is a 100% robust method.

Everything works as it should, now just to drill a few holes in a small plastic box and mount it at the back of the equipment rack. This is similarly useful for switching between stereo and HT, which just shares the speakers and amplifier, to turn on and off the relevant equipment without lots of remotes and buttons.
