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  1. NoSnipeLimit

    Solid State FM/SW Stereo Tuner Tx-75

    Ah yea that makes sense. Yea really no idea on the brand as it has no markings. Apart from the serial number.
  2. NoSnipeLimit

    Avo meter

    I'm willing to sell yeah
  3. NoSnipeLimit

    Solid State FM/SW Stereo Tuner Tx-75

    Hi found this while cleaning out my dads garage. Anyone got some info on it? Couldnt test the speaker output but she turns on and looks pretty. And the dials and everything still looks to be working. Does still have the antenna too.
  4. NoSnipeLimit

    Avo meter

    I dont know. It needs to be cleaned the battery contacts are corroded.
  5. NoSnipeLimit

    Mp3 player

    Remember this board my dad made around the time mp3s got popular. You would connect a 5.25inch ide drive to it :P totally portable. Also had a display but that i cant find. He was barely finished with it when smaller versions came out. Was still a fun adventure.
  6. NoSnipeLimit

    Cpu board

    Thought id post a little nerdy thing some people might enjoy. As for the backstory, i think it was from sasol when my dad worked there in the 80s in R&D. Found several pentium mmx and up chips. And actually a fully working pc running win98 on a 133mhz chip.
  7. NoSnipeLimit

    Avo meter

    Hi, found this during clearing out some of my dads stuff. Its a Universal Avo meter model 7.
  8. NoSnipeLimit

    New HomeTheater Build

    Revive of the Zombie Thread.  A breakdown of the complete build as it's now finished: Costs for 5.1 surround speaker set ---------------------------------- Drivers: 6.5 Inch 150 Watt Speaker R854 Tweeter 60W 25mm Dome R375 12" JBL R500 ----------------------------------...
  9. NoSnipeLimit

    Mad Scientist Audio

    I got two, they just made things sound worse in my tests
  10. NoSnipeLimit

    ID this spider

    I heard that most spiders that are placed outside will die, as they were looking for warmth.
  11. NoSnipeLimit

    Bedford Centre Shootout

    We work at many of the hospitals in the area, and with the shootout today the hospitals were crazy busy not a pretty sight.
  12. NoSnipeLimit

    Joke for the day

    He looks better with hair.
  13. NoSnipeLimit

    Uninstalling Omiga-plus
  14. NoSnipeLimit

    One of a kind Aluminium billet volume knob

    Where the pictures at.
  15. NoSnipeLimit

    Uninstalling Omiga-plus

    Yep, it's the one I'll get back to you on.
  16. NoSnipeLimit

    Uninstalling Omiga-plus

    In Chrome, Settings, Advanced settings, very bottom, you get reset settings. Think IE had something similar. Note this disables all your plugins as well I think. I did this only after the uninstaller did it's work first. Also search your hard drive for the omiga, I believe there was something...
  17. NoSnipeLimit

    Uninstalling Omiga-plus

    I remove this manually, a few weeks ago, did a manual scan throughout the registry for all keys to that junk, just deleting it as I go. Had to run a uninstaller, and also had to hard reset chrome I think. 
  18. NoSnipeLimit

    Traffic fine scam if the fine is not on there, it's fake.
  19. NoSnipeLimit

    Afrihost extra data no more?

    My double data is still active.
  20. NoSnipeLimit

    Music by computer kit (just for BWS)

    I remember this one i enjoyed :)