What is a SCAM or FRAUD and what is not.


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AVForums Veteran
Jul 31, 2016
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Hi guys, Just to put some clarification on the table about a video made by Bizkit about scams and fraud.

Let me start by giving the explanation for the word SCAM and FRAUD:

  1. a dishonest scheme; a fraud."an insurance scam"
  1. swindle."a guy that scams old pensioners out of their savings"

  1. wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
"he was convicted of fraud"

"mediums exposed as tricksters and frauds"


  1. the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.
"he is suing the TV company for slander"

defamation of character

  1. make false and damaging statements about (someone).
"they were accused of slandering the head of state"

AVE1994 / Bentley acoustics pty ltd DOES NOT IMPORT ANY MARANTZ/DENON or other Hifi Products!

  • Selling a direct/parallel/grey product which is CLEARLY MARKED on the box, on the unit itself and on the invoice and even on the advertisement is not a scam or fraud. Selling a grey unit and passing it of as fully guaranteed by the agents = fraud. We don’t hide the fact that our clients can chose between a direct import lets say for example : Marantz cinema 40 for R55000 with a one year warranty backed by ourselves, or an agent imported unit for R89900 with a 2 year warranty.
  • If you Buy a receiver from Ebay or Amazon then it’s a grey import. Its not Illegal of a scam or fraud, BUT if you sell that unit and make the buyer believe its local, that would be wrong!
  • Changing Serial numbers is also not against the law when it’s done with no ill intent, we have an inhouse serial nr system and we use our own serial numbers for easy tracking and record keeping. Every SN is recorded and records of the original SN’s are kept. It also lessens the chances of people mistaking our imported units as an agent import and on the unit itself we have a sticker with servicing details.
    We use qualified repair technicians who has been in the repair industry for more than 35 years. We have had units repaired which the agents could not even do.
  • Changing a SN of a gun is against the law, removing a SN from an item to hide the fact that it was stolen is against the law.
  • All duties and taxes are paid at importation, and we have record of every item and what country it was from. Our suppliers import from 5 different locations across the world, always hunting for the best prices to pass over onto the consumer. A denon X2800 in Hong kong is cheaper than a X2800 in UK, but a X6800 is cheaper in Singapore than in Hong kong.
  • All our grey imports are 240V power supply spec, no need to adjust voltage settings or buying transformers to step down to 110V.


Slander is when you make videos and public posts about a business which is FALSE, calling them scammers and fraudsters just because you don’t have the intellectual capacity to understand what you are talking about. Lets say you’re the owner of Mag wheel imports , and you are uneducated in the law or a bit of a dumb dumb and tell people that a business is corrupt, or are scammers and fraudsters just because you THINK they are or because they are direct competition, is in fact SLANDER.

We even state so on our website under a TAB called DIRECT IMPORTS: https://www.ave1994.com/direct-imports