Suitable 24V charger of for garage door motor


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AVForums Super Veteran
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Oct 2, 2017
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The Strand
I have had my fill of ending up with a pair of defunct 12V batteries (connected in serie) every few months when we open and close the door more than once during blackouts - I read somewhere that "loadshedding" is in fact a euphemism for "blackout" or even more correctly, in my view, "power failure". I am thinking to replace those two silly little 12V/1.3Ah items with two 12V/7Ah or one 24V 5Ah (the latter one Olitron carries is about 100x100x100mm and with a 5Ah capacity). However; the chap at Olitron pointed out that the charger of the garage door motor will not be able to fully charge the bigger battery(ies). This does of course depend on how often one opens the door during a blackout.

I am thinking to buy a 24V battery - and then permanently mount a suitable charger, cutting out the door mechanism's charger altogether. Is this feasable and which charger would be suitable? Not so much brand name and model - although that would also be welcome - but charging specs and not costing an arm and a leg. A LI ion battery of 24V and small enough in size for this application might be a safer choice with the view of longevity.

I do realize that the battery and the charger shall have to be mounted on the wall next to the motor unit.

Any ideas, please?
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