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  1. M

    Stolen Equipment, Your eyes an ears needed Pls.

    sorry to hear that. I got burgled twice -  3 weeks apart where they came back for the insurance replacement. Stopped my hifi connection in its tracks for over 20 years.
  2. M

    Awesome members on this forum!

    Well done for posting praise where it was due and blessing to Alan :clap: :clap:
  3. M

    Opinion sought by on budget CD player please

    Mr Polarz, please accept my apologies for noting the wrong prefix. My Luxman is just an L 120A stereo integrated amp :headbanger:
  4. M

    Opinion sought by on budget CD player please

    Have Luxman A120 amp, B&W DM14, Thorens TD150 Mk11 and Rotel 965BX Limited Edition CD player. Last mentioned item needs upgrade. Should I go Denon DCD800NE - OR - Marantz CD6006? Will appreciate very much opinion or comments please. :help:
  5. M

    Cleaning vinyl

    I'm a new member. Been out of hifi loop since 1998 but now had hardware serviced and  old LP's lined up. However need to know what folk use these days because I am missing my old Parastat but still have a Dust Bug bought in 1970  :)