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  1. Lamb Chop

    Vitamin D reduces the risk of hospitalization with Covid-19 - Conclusive proof
  2. Lamb Chop

    Connecting sub out to pre in?

    I have an amplifier that has a 3.5mm jack sub out connection. Can I run this into my headphone amp? The headphone has RCA in, so will use 3.5mm stereo jack to RCA cable.
  3. Lamb Chop

    From nothing to something..

    What a stupendous build! Hats off to you sir!  :2thumbs:
  4. Lamb Chop

    UFO in Scottburgh

    Jokes aside, thanks OP for posting this. Very interesting. Past counterintelligence tactics for UFO's used to be described as weather balloons, etc. Today the new buzzword is UAP's. Unidentified Aerial Phenomena are real and recognized. No more weather balloons. No disrespect Magellan but I...
  5. Lamb Chop

    UFO in Scottburgh

    What, they don't use cables, they use bluetooth.
  6. Lamb Chop

    What made you happy today?

    Tomorrow is Friday!!! This week has been very hard.
  7. Lamb Chop

    Recommended SA Netflix viewing list

    I very much enjoyed "The Tinder Swindler" and just finished watching "The puppet maser" Aslo realy good.
  8. Lamb Chop

    Please suggest drop shipper from US to South Africa

    I feel your pain Seanjammy.  But why, why for the life of cream cheese, would you continue to use a courier for years if they consistently failed to live up to your expectations? It makes no sense!?
  9. Lamb Chop

    What do you miss from your childhood and cherish now?

    The sounds at night when going to bed when on December holiday. I would hear the adults talking and laughing, the smell of the braaivleis fire busy dying and the rhythmic ebb and flow of the waves on the beach.
  10. Lamb Chop

    Bluetooth Headphones

    humfr33 - I really enjoy the slider. I analogy would be comparing it to driving a naturally aspirated car, coasting and enjoying the ride and the scenery. Then you push a button and out comes a monster turbo charger. The moment you put your foot down and the boost kicks in, you smile. When you...
  11. Lamb Chop

    It?s almost the end of the year so - your best of 2021

    OK, I lied  :( Last one:
  12. Lamb Chop

    It?s almost the end of the year so - your best of 2021

    Mods, please forgive me, but these are my replies to the OP's question. Please move if inappropriate or considered as spam.
  13. Lamb Chop

    It?s almost the end of the year so - your best of 2021

    ... and the many iterations that have followed. For example this one:
  14. Lamb Chop

    It?s almost the end of the year so - your best of 2021

    Without a doubt - this track. It is as crazy as 2021 has been. (In an endearing way) Hope you enjoy it as much I have.
  15. Lamb Chop

    Gas Geyser or Solar Geyser

    OMW, are you an alien to this planet? bee /biː/ noun 1. a stinging winged insect which collects nectar and pollen, produces wax and honey, and lives in large communities. 2. an insect of a large group to which the honeybee belongs, including many solitary as well as social kinds. So I suppose...
  16. Lamb Chop

    Bluetooth Headphones

    Time for an update  :groovy: A friend, a non-audiophile, has a set of Skullcandy Hesh Evo cans. I used them for a while and really liked them. The sound was good, the fit comfortable and the bass was there. I saw a good deal on a pair of Skullcandy Cusher headphones and purchased a pair. I have...
  17. Lamb Chop

    Virtual Barber Shop

    Listen to this track to experience the power of hearing, the brain's processing of audio and imaging for the audiophiles. Zilch I really enjoyed this immersive experience. :groovy:
  18. Lamb Chop

    What's the best tweak you made...?

    Getting a good set of Bluetooth headphones. I now enjoy my music anywhere I like, it has revived my love for music. PS, the best is, there are no strings attached.  >:D
  19. Lamb Chop

    This song brings tears to my eyes.

    This time of the year, many people share good times with family and friends. However, for me, this is also a time of sorrow and missing the people I cared for that are no longer here...    James Blunt - Monsters Cherish what...
  20. Lamb Chop

    SSDs or platter (standard) hard drives for music storage?

    I don't think the human ear can hear any difference between SSD or HDD music payback. I mean really?  In fact, unless there is a fault with your drive, there IS no difference. Music playback requirement does not exceed the data serving speed capability of a conventional HDD drive. So, since...