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  1. optionalXtra

    DIY Audio Showcase 2016 Gauteng - 30th April / 1st May

    slaikan, I'd be in for a group buy...
  2. optionalXtra

    DIY Audio Showcase 2016 Gauteng - 30th April / 1st May

    First time I've been able to attend the showcase, and man have I been missing out! I've been a a long time reader of the forums, but never felt that I had anything "significant" to contribute. Firstly a big thank you to Francois for putting the showcase together! I understand that he's been...
  3. optionalXtra

    DIY Audio Showcase 2016 Gauteng - 30th April / 1st May

    Hi All, Been a long time reader here, but haven't joined the conversation. Just want to know if this event has been confirmed and what is involved? Location, costs, time etc... Would love to attend seeing as it is in my "valley" ... Thanks! Chris