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  1. Jason Willemse

    Lenbrook's NAD / Bluesound - Getting it wrong.

    The audio equipment journey that led me to being a NAD / Bluesound owner has been bitter sweet. Earlier years had me in a position where I was able to experience and own some of the best audio kit available in both dedicated stereo music and home theatre rooms. Life happened. Divorce and...
  2. Jason Willemse

    New Bluesound Icon

    Mmmmm. Against my better judgement, and with no desire to get involved in whatever tiff exists between forum members, I'll throw in my 2c anyway. I'll start with this. I've been a participating member of this forum and its predecessor version for a long time. It's a shadow of its former self...
  3. Jason Willemse

    Speaker Cabinet Painting Required in Roodepoort

    What speakers are they? You’ve got my curiosity now!
  4. Jason Willemse

    Speaker Cabinet Painting Required in Roodepoort

    A good body shop can do it… though I wouldn’t let them disassemble nor reassemble. Be warned though, it’s expensive. For a pair I had done the cost was over 20k, though rather large.
  5. Jason Willemse

    Turntable Cover Reccomendation

    Thanks! I don’t recall exactly… seem to remember it being around 1k. Could be more, maybe less. This one is on the larger side of things too, with request for thicker Perspex walls.
  6. Jason Willemse

    Restoration of Oldies

    Special to me, because it was the first pair of speakers I ever purchased with my own earned money. Back then, it was a lot of money in my world. Mine were black, but found this pair in exceptional condition. A nostalgia buy I admit, but so happy to own them again. AR SRT170
  7. Jason Willemse

    Restoration of Oldies

    Another rescue… NAD 216 THX power amp. A solid pice of kit with a meaty toroidal and a conservative 125x2 at 8. Metal faceplate unfortunately had damage on the markings, but not a big deal being a power amp. Sounds wonderful!
  8. Jason Willemse

    Restoration of Oldies

    NAD 306 / 501 pair
  9. Jason Willemse

    Restoration of Oldies

    NAD 7225PE / 6325 / 5220 stack
  10. Jason Willemse

    Restoration of Oldies

    I collect, fix, and restore. Why… because it makes me happy 😋. Still many NAD pieces to finish, and more on the way. I’ll just add pics as I go.
  11. Jason Willemse

    Turntable Cover Reccomendation

    For anyone looking, I needed a custom cover made for a turntable, and came across John from “Anything Perspex” near Centurion. Great service, quick to manufacture, reasonably priced and excellent quality. Highly recommended! He can be reached on 083 654 4466.
  12. Jason Willemse

    FdlSys - Sad news

    Terrible news. Mike was one of the nicest chaps I ever met on the forum. Such a talented and interesting individual with so many stories he loved sharing. Always up for a couple beers after the vinyl fair, a wicked sense of humour too. Thanks for the memories, records and other goodies that will...
  13. Jason Willemse

    Audiophile 101 - the craft pearls of wisdom

    Hey Charles. Personally I’d find that to be a rather strange scenario from a speaker manufacturer - but be that as it may, I wouldn’t overthink it too much. Treat them as normal, focus on the overall sound stage, then experiment with an additional degree or so on whichever speaker you wish to...
  14. Jason Willemse

    B&O Beovox 3000 Restoration - SEAS Diamond in Rust.

    These B&O Beovox 3000’s sat in my cupboard for years. The SEAS Drivers etc all in mint condition, but the cabinets had a few dings and always put me off. Whilst fiddling around one day with the little bedroom system, I connected the two 53 year old up to the NAD C700, and was really...
  15. Jason Willemse

    New record stands from rec.audiocraft

    Thank you to Archie, Vincent, Gary and Eric for their hospitality whilst hosting us at the 21 Bistro Vinyl Fair this past weekend. It was great meeting everyone, interacting with customers and taking their orders. See you at the next one!
  16. Jason Willemse

    Vinyl Fair this Sunday

    Our revolutionary (tic 😋) new record stands will be on display! Come and say hi! rec.audiocraft
  17. Jason Willemse

    New record stands from rec.audiocraft

    At this stage no… and TBH I’m getting far more requests for units outside of Gauteng than I am locally. This has prompted the development of exactly what you have requested - flatpack DIY unit that can easily be assembled at home. CNC design is already in progress, and I’ll probably be done...
  18. Jason Willemse

    New record stands from rec.audiocraft

    Black Ebony and Concrete edition now in stock. The concrete unit is stunning! 😬😬
  19. Jason Willemse

    New record stands from rec.audiocraft

    I am pleased to announce that I have started a new enterprise under the name rec.audiocraft! The business will manufacture various items with a focus on audio related furniture and equipment, which I will elaborate on as each product is completed and tested sufficiently enough to allow me to...
  20. Jason Willemse

    Cleaning your equipment

    I recall a similar thread some years back… a topic that often leaves me rather uncomfortable with some of the remedies provided. Do not use those micro fibre cloths that come in various colours and packs of three or so. They are generally poor quality and actually quite abrasive, particularly...