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  1. BJ

    Acoustic Room Treatment

    1 Morning Everyone Anyone here involved in Acoustic room treatment and installations? Or can someone direct me to Companies who does in the Western Cape area. Many thanks Best
  2. BJ


  3. BJ


    Apologies for the Blurred Picture. It was taken from a poster at the Audio EXPO Contact: Ben +27 83 2911 271 [email protected] Thanks
  4. BJ


    Taking Care of your precious Vinyl LP collection. Vinyl accessories by GrooVcare
  5. BJ

    High End Society

    Breaking News Munich is OUT...Vienna is IN Exiting times🎵🎶🎵
  6. BJ

    Whats on the TT...

    Remains a Classic 🎵🎶🎵
  7. BJ

    Whats on the TT...

    Picked this up in Germany on my last trip ❣️❣️ Double LP, must-have.... Sounding sublime 👌
  8. BJ

    Your Biggest Jaw Dropping experience in Audio

    I was fortunate enough to hear both ML Statement set ups in SA, at Customer homes after Heinz past away. The one system I helped Roland with fault finding in the system that was playing marginal to the left on imaging. Roland ran into a brick wall after testing the pre and powers. Testing the...
  9. BJ

    The Repair Guru

    Spotted Roland Vlok in Jhb yesterday 🤗🤭🤣
  10. BJ

    Your Biggest Jaw Dropping experience in Audio

    We could start a reunion party🤣
  11. BJ

    FdlSys - Sad news

    Just came across this terrible news. This forum is now way Poorer😢😢 All the memories of loosing Big G came back this morning - like experiencing a double loss. RIP Mike You will be sorely missed😭 Condolences to his loved ones
  12. BJ

    Your Biggest Jaw Dropping experience in Audio

    I forgot about Kara🤗 Senior moment 🙈 Got all my Car Audio from them, Alpine head unit, Pioneer power Amp, Poineer and Boston(Car) Loudspeakers They were a great bunch of guys👌
  13. BJ

    Your Biggest Jaw Dropping experience in Audio

    Reading the post in Vinyl on the ERGO Turntable turned back the Clock for me and got me on this topic... I have been fortunate to have listened to many brands and Audio products over the years. And there are many really good experiences that I can recall. But two are standing out that I would...
  14. BJ

    Whats on the TT...

    I played it the other night👌
  15. BJ

    Mark Knopfler - Guitar Stories

    I got the 45RPM on this in Germany and played it last night for the first time after cleaning. Great Recording in True MK style👏 Very happy with the purchase 👌👌👌
  16. BJ

    Edwards Audio Apprentice MKII Upgrades

    This Edwards Audio Apprentice MKII came in for some Manicure and Beauty Treatment❣️ The list included the following: 1. Sumiko Black Pearl MM (replace AT95) - R2290 incl 2. Edwards Audio Spacer 1,2,3 MM to correct the VTA R490 incl 3. Edwards Audio Little Blue Belter - R690 incl 4...
  17. BJ


    Streaming has been around for some time now. But the die hard Audiophile refused to bend the knee. Mainly because of the lack of musicality from these units together with poor resolution. But the market has been working hard to set the playing fields even. Enter Lindemann, the German company...
  18. BJ

    Another Giant has fallen

    Another Giant has fallen!!! Sad day for Analogue and Vinyl users😢 It's with a very heavy heart, I sadly have to report that Koetsu is no more! Having had a conversation with Koetsu's longest standing Distributor in the UK, Absolute Sounds, the simplified story is, that the family don't want...
  19. BJ

    Whats on the TT...

    Great Recording by Clearaudio in collaboration with B&W. Excellent Covers 👌
  20. BJ

    The Bird and Vinyl

    IMAGINE what your LP's can sound like, if you Hummit🤗 If JL approves of the Bird, you better take notice🤭 HumminGuru Ultrasonic Record Cleaner 👌