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  1. HOTaljaard

    Please help identify DSOTM release

    there is a sleeper that no one talks about. The SA first press solid (light) blue triangle. i have reason to believe that it was actually pressed in the UK (or in SA with UK stamper). The clue lies in the matrix font. Ive compared it to the MOFI, UK 2nd release, Japanese and USA versions and it...
  2. HOTaljaard

    Members' Kit pics

    what amp are you using to drive them?
  3. HOTaljaard

    UFO in Scottburgh

    This siting is something else:
  4. HOTaljaard

    Tidal Tracks/ Albums slow to load on WIIM Ultra

    I experience the same problem with my WiiM pro plus and Tidal.
  5. HOTaljaard

    Who is using the hifi in the house?

    Nobody in the house is allowed to touch my hifi.
  6. HOTaljaard

    Hifi Art - great photos of equipment

    Bad night for me. Couldn't sleep. But the glow of tubes kept me company.
  7. HOTaljaard

    Post Office question

    I've also had 2 items showing on the same tracking number. Still early days, just need to give it time.
  8. HOTaljaard

    Post Office question

    when was it posted?
  9. HOTaljaard

    Post Office question

    Here is an example of a pair of valves I ordered from Germany. It was posted on 12 November 2024 and last scanned on 9 December 2024 at Johannesburg International Mailing Centre. It should reach my local post office early next year.
  10. HOTaljaard

    Post Office question

    Ive ordered many times from overseas and never had a problem with the post office. It can take anything from 1 - 3 months. Do you have a tracking number? You can track it here:
  11. HOTaljaard

    What comes first - the source or the speaker?

    I think the difference between speakers are greater than between amps. I've changed everything except my speakers.
  12. HOTaljaard

    UFO in Scottburgh

    This was seen in Switzerland in 2021: Looks similar.
  13. HOTaljaard

    Valve testing

    Looking for someone in the Western Cape that can test some valves for me. Happy to pay for the service.
  14. HOTaljaard

    Leak photoshoot

    The other issue is finding someone locally to restore it.
  15. HOTaljaard

    ECC81 which is best?

    Im not getting any buzz on the transformer(s) itself but there is a hum on the left speaker. not major but enough to bother me when Im close to the speaker.
  16. HOTaljaard

    ECC81 which is best?

    not cheap either I see. Edit: sorry my bad. R1500 for a pair is not bad.
  17. HOTaljaard

    ECC81 which is best?

    Which current production ECC81 tube is the best?
  18. HOTaljaard

    Shout Out for Francois from Audio Exchange

    Wish I could meet Francois. He has some lekker stuff on his website, I visit it often.
  19. HOTaljaard

    Your holy grail LP album

    These are the grails I'm looking for: