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  1. achim

    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    Thank you guys...... more little fun shots will be uploaded.....
  2. achim

    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    but who thinks Thirteen is only about super expensive stuff - NOPE! I still say that rega s electronic is an absolute bargain and we still have a few Brio Integrated and Apollo CDPs left - a new rega Elex is a "high endy sounding" Integrated as well - and in my view a better choice than any of...
  3. achim

    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    ......The Avantgarde Bass Horns are "my left overs" from the big Trio G2 System (and for sale as well). Its an amazing experience to add them to my Soltanus Electrostats -or to these flea size O1 Borrensen Standmounts. It takes time to integrate these Bass Horns - but the results are absolutely...
  4. achim

    TT issue - Advice needed

    .....have you double checked the set up and alignment? If all is correct - the Cartridge might needs to be replaced. We just got in all new rega Nd MM Carts (Nd3, 5 & 7) or another very good choice are the Hana we stock as well...
  5. achim

    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    I ll remind you.....:cool:
  6. achim

    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    ..thats the purpose of this Studio - come and listen - maybe it will be a gamechanger for you - maybe not;)
  7. achim

    Thirteens small showroom doesn't compromise.

    ...I hope you guys like this little appetizer to feel inspired to experience something different. To me this little Listening Room got my personal Masterpiece. The Loft was huge and great for the big Systems there, Hof Street was special as well... but this little space is truly exceptional. I...
  8. achim

    What comes first - the source or the speaker?

    ...Ron ...I m using the new Diablo 333 on my Bullys - even ordered the same stands like you have from Hein. This simple rcombo performs at an unheard level..... I will not sell my last pair of Bullies. If you can shoot a Diablo 300 - thats a great combo as well..... a good source - thats it -...
  9. achim

    Has anyone here had experience with any Audio note products? Kindly share your opinion.

    @HOTaljaard .....a.) they have a very loyal fan base like only few other brands as well. b.) You ll find 2nd hand AN products in Europe...but not here and they ll still be not cheap. The motivation for 2nd hand buyers here in SA is to buy very known products very cheap - no matter through how...
  10. achim

    Has anyone here had experience with any Audio note products? Kindly share your opinion.

    Absolutely serious business by Andy Smith who loves and lives AN (UK). Their "chains or systems" making sense if someone loves the AN Sound. Walks on water? No only me walks on water........😇
  11. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    ...are you guys still debating here.... cool...... I had some very nice festive days, Santa Claus landed the new Diablo 333 precise on the 24th and I truly enjoy my little Status Symbol. I only can invite everybody here to come and listen to an absolute outstanding integrated amp at few...
  12. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    I am very glad that this cannot be one of my products - you never asked me for a particular price of a product in that price range. But my advise ....Go for it! Buy it! Just now I would make you pay 2 million Rand extra 😂😂😂 On a serious note - only to understand: What product will cost you R...
  13. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    Ari..... I m glad you open the door for a little break..... I think this "Bubble of Extremes" will remain - it might get smaller but ll target those who do not really know what to do with all their money, who are not experienced or deeply interested enough and belonging to that group of...
  14. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    I think nobody got the irony...well its a prejudice that Germans having no humor but only we Germans know - we have! Your comment hits the nail on its head.... The one Organizer of the Expo is inspiring the market for international shopping sprees - the other Organizer is shooting bargains (for...
  15. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    What is the message here Jozua? And more important - what is your intention? Is there anything wrong that I am - as HFX, Listening Room, Air, Tweak and others - Importer, Distributor and Dealer? In my believe this gives me the option to do good to my clients and to survive in a difficult market...
  16. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    @Dreamerm6 ...... I have no clue about the Denons, Yamahas and Marantz in this world of today. I guess they all in deep s.....! I m out of the Volume driven business since a long time - and dont wanna go back there. But in all honesty and with great respect for your achievements regarding your...
  17. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    @Jozua... you must please decide if you want to argue with me here - or partly via your PMs to me (otherwise it confuses me..). You say there is no agenda of stabbing in the back of others - but this is very precisely what you do - and you dont get it! What btw is your intention to point out on...
  18. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    I do not know one of my collegues or competitors who has the arrogance to say "take it or leave it" - not even myself! And its not on me to defend myself here because I think I am a fair partner to all my clients - but you should truly re-think your statement here as the CEO of the Cape Town...
  19. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    ..last word about the shown Diablo.... yes this is a Diablo, but not a Diablo 120, 300 or 333. This Diablo The Diablo" retailed 2012 / 2013 at EURO 12.500 (rounded up including VAT). So the R 72K of your friend ( EURO 3.800-4.000) is a fair price for a 13 or 14 year old Integrated Amp and an...
  20. achim

    Hi-Fi Mafia

    @chris.... of course we dont have control over another retailers doing - thats not my point. But YOU and JOZUA as Board Members and CEO of the Cape Town HiFi Club & the HiFi Expo should have a bit more (self)control over the possible negative outcomes of what you are writing here. You are not...