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  • Shonver
    I fully agree. It is a pity that many audiophiles are averse to audio measurement. Some are even measurement un-believers. However, I...
  • Shonver
    ...and I'd like to iterate copy-post this: I don't know if my fellow Cape Town HiFi Club members have picked this up, but our...
  • Shonver
    Shonver replied to the thread Replacing RCA connectors.
    This is what I meant.
  • Shonver
    Shonver replied to the thread Replacing RCA connectors.
    You could simply replace the RCAs. A repair is another option if the current RCAs are not molded.
  • Shonver
    Shonver reacted to Air's post in the thread Spikes vs Cups vs Pucks with Like Like.
    It is a complex subject, and the answer might just come to it depends... Spikes don't drain energy. It does not act as a one-way valve...
  • Shonver
    Shonver reacted to KenMasters's post in the thread Listening Level (dB and Room size) with Like Like.
    @Gohde - you're on the money. I'm not, at least not when setting up my system, but average volume of actual content varies quite a...
  • Shonver
    Shonver reacted to Gohde's post in the thread Listening Level (dB and Room size) with Like Like.
    From my understanding db is sound pressure, so for listening volume (the experienced sound pressure by the listeners) would be measured...
  • Shonver
    Shonver replied to the thread FdlSys - Sad news.
    A profound loss to our community. Condolences to those close to him. Will cherish the private convos. He was one of the good ones.
  • Shonver
    Shonver replied to the thread Class D explained.
    Thanks. Some time ago a forum upgrade caused all the threads to be renamed. Many links got broken. But too many to try and fix.
  • Shonver
    Shonver reacted to Uzekamanzi's post in the thread Class D explained with Like Like.
    Th Those links are out of date - the correct ones are: