Recent content by Rendlan


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  1. Rendlan

    What about vintage film?

    Wow! I'm a bit of a rail-fan... wish I could see that...  :roll:
  2. Rendlan

    Whats on the TT...

  3. Rendlan

    Whats on the TT...

    Aitsa! Lekker man!  :groovy:
  4. Rendlan

    Thorens TD150 questions

    Here's your solution (scroll down a bit): Good luck!
  5. Rendlan

    Thorens TD150 questions

    Hmmm... Eish... How about the clip you find on some ball-point pens or clutch pencils?
  6. Rendlan

    Thorens TD 150 mk2 question

    Aaaaand... It's here... One Lenco B52. And it does the job admirably. I am still sorting out the correct headshell screws to mount the shure properly, but a Gerry-rig confirms that I'm on to a win. Thanks to Aqualung for being "the dog who lifted his leg highest", in our former Springbok...
  7. Rendlan

    Thorens TD 150 mk2 question

    Update: Drum-roll... Tadaaaah! Mille grazie to Supergrand for assisting: You're a true gentleman and scholar! And now we wait... for, in the post, there is a Swiss lady waiting to be played with... :rubhands:
  8. Rendlan

    Speaker/amp Compatability

    Hi and welcome! Did you hook up the phone by using the 3.5mm socket on the phone connected to the Aux RCA input on the amp? It won't work via the Amp's phone socket... Is Aux input selected? Are both the tape selectors in the "up" position (i.e. off)? Did you select the correct speaker outputs...
  9. Rendlan

    My first BJ

  10. Rendlan

    My first BJ

    This, I believe, was somewhat premature... :winkwink: Do read the description...
  11. Rendlan

    Fires Around Knysna

    Sjoe! I grew up and lived in Knysna for a large chunk of my life... Terrible to see the photos and videos all over the net... Can't imagine what you guys are going through, Stereosane. Good luck and God bless...
  12. Rendlan

    Thorens TD 150 mk2 question

    OK, so I made an assessment of what I have: I bought the turntable around 2008/9 from a second hand dealer. It was missing the small weight for setting the tracking force, but I only realized that later. After much searching and asking around on the net I finally got helped as mentioned above...
  13. Rendlan

    Thorens TD 150 mk2 question

    O aarde! Die manne is lus vir mekaar!  :boxing:  :BWAHAHAH:
  14. Rendlan

    Thorens TD 150 mk2 question

    @mahleu, vinyljan: I am considering that as an option. It would be sad to let the old girl go, though. It was my first turntable and exposed me to the camaraderie in the audio community. I inquired about the correct weight for the small "kugel" that sets the tracking force over at Vinylengine...
  15. Rendlan

    Thorens TD 150 mk2 question

    You see? Thanks Mr. Phi, I've contemplated that...