Recent content by Orca44


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  1. Orca44

    House and Car insurance Premium Split

    I am with Old Mutuals staff insurance and this year is the first time I am considering moving. No issues with any claiming? But my car insurance went up 36%. I am now paying for 2 cars ( one only third party) what I was paying for three (2 comprehensive and 1 third party) Only benefit really is...
  2. Orca44

    Netflix Test Patterns

    So scrolling Tic Toc and this popped in my feed. How to use Netflix’s ‘secret’ video test patterns to improve your 4K TV’s picture Anyone know or tested how accurate it is?
  3. Orca44

    What to do with old plasma TV?

    Have the same tv - And for the same period. Still working like an absolute champion and to my poor eyes still gives a better picture than what I have seen available in the shops.
  4. Orca44

    Joke for the day

    "Aaay". If I remember correctly
  5. Orca44

    Books that you think everyone should read (note the limits)

    A couple for me. Dune. Ender's Game. Especially the first time. Anything by David Eddings, as he started my love for reading in standard 6 Infact my daughter is names after a character. The Ninja by Eric Van Lustbader. Started a fascination with eastern lore and ideas.
  6. Orca44

    Any financial gurus here - need advice on accessing RA

    Yes but that's usually only a percentag of the fund you have invested while married. And then the type of marriage comes into play and the wording needs to be correct within the divorce decree. Plus it's also taxed when taking the funds. Not as easy as a divorce to get access to all the funds...
  7. Orca44

    This is giving me a headache

    Apparently each transaction is a new transaction. Don't treat it like a business or trading up. He made 10 with the first sell and another 10 with the second. And then bought a piece of art, donated it and wrote off $10 million as a tax deductible. Government owes him money.  Sent from my...
  8. Orca44

    This is giving me a headache

    Both wrong it seems He bought twice, for 60 and 80. He sells twice, for 70 and 90. Money out of pocket was 140, money in was 160. Profit = 20. Sent from my SM-N770F using Tapatalk
  9. Orca44

    This is giving me a headache

    I am sure I'm wrong but I think it's $10 Sent from my SM-N770F using Tapatalk
  10. Orca44

    Any financial gurus here - need advice on accessing RA

    Regarding RA access, there is one way to access prior 55, without having to be ill or left the country. The value must be below R15000. You can then access the funds, subject to a tax directive. Sent from my SM-N770F using Tapatalk
  11. Orca44

    Members who have had the jab.

    Tried to go for the jab on Friday. Had to go to the doc first for some routine checks. Wife is with and has what seemed like flu. Before the doc can diagnose, she had to rule out the Covid. So off we go to Ampath just round the corner. Nice and simple. Drive in, get a stick stuck up her nose...
  12. Orca44

    alternative versions of christmas songs

    Maybe not in the same classic vein, but definitely gets me going every Christmas. Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  13. Orca44


    And don't forget his greatest achievement. Playing an Egyptian, who dressed as a Spaniard, with the best Scottish accent ever. Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  14. Orca44


    Damn, was "hoping" it was one of those stupid internet hoaxes.  Rip you "Spanish Peacock". Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk
  15. Orca44


    You sure, can't find anything on the web as of now. Sent from my SM-N960F using Tapatalk