Recent content by Lawaai Fi


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  1. Lawaai Fi

    Cape Town Audio Expo 15-17 September

    Me too enjoyed the show, well done to all involved🍻
  2. Lawaai Fi

    What Happpened To The Elusive Soundstage?

    With time on my hands this past Sunday I thought I’ll give this soundstage thing a go. So I pulled out the front speakers 1,5m from the front wall, toed them in and formed a triangle with my chair. Set the amp to stereo, large speakers and everything else to off. Then played Crying (Il Divo) and...
  3. Lawaai Fi

    What Happpened To The Elusive Soundstage?

    Hi All Seeing myself as a bit of an audiophile I must unfortunately admit that I never heard it before. Question: How far do you have to move your front speakers into the room to create the space for the magic to happen? I hope I understand it correctly otherwise the missus will give me a fat...
  4. Lawaai Fi

    Acoustic upgrade

    Throw in a glass of wine and you have the best budget upgrade eva🍻
  5. Lawaai Fi

    Recommended installers in Cape Town

    I used M Solar Power 18 months ago, good product and service.
  6. Lawaai Fi

    Kef R3 & Rega Elicit-R

    The R3's are great speakers and I'm very happy with mine.
  7. Lawaai Fi

    From nothing to something..

    Nice work Jozua, hope it sounds as good as it looks :clap:
  8. Lawaai Fi

    Power amp choices

    It sounds funny but so true Jozua  :D
  9. Lawaai Fi

    TAD 2402 replica - done and dusted

    Those sure looks the part, well done :clap:
  10. Lawaai Fi

    Power amp choices

    Did you use the gloves? :cool:
  11. Lawaai Fi

    Power amp choices

    Exciting times Xumbug, enjoy the moment :dop:
  12. Lawaai Fi

    Power amp choices

    Thank you for the info Agaton Sax and others - so both Parasound & Paradigm are good and the JC touch makes it special!
  13. Lawaai Fi

    Power amp choices

    OK thx  :dop:
  14. Lawaai Fi

    Power amp choices

    Is Paradigm and Parasound two different companies because I notice the latter also has a JC1 model? Sorry if it's a mampara question.
  15. Lawaai Fi

    First impressions: NAD T778

    Hi Naks If you change any of your settings such as speaker level, cross over freq, speaker size etc the Dirac preset is not valid anymore and it will not show in your presets. It is also a good idea to have a backup on your pc. Regards